Solutions For HelicoptersBy Helicopter Pilots

Our Products

Alle the devices are Wireless and can be applied to any helicopter


The Wireless cargo hook

  • Up to 6000lb of payload
  • 500 releases guaranteed per recharge (-20/+45°C)
  • Stand-by time > 1 week
  • Release distance >5km
  • 400ms~ release time
  • Three different sizes
  • No modification to the airframe is necessary, No STC

EA-Bucket Tool

The Wireless bucket tool

  • Up to 9900lbs of payload
  • 500 releases per recharge guaranteed (-20/+45°C)
  • Stand-by time > 1 week
  • Release distance >5km
  • 400ms~ release time
  • Two different sizes
  • No modification to the airframe is necessary, No STC

Let's Fly...

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